Using AI to write for my blog a call to all adults to vote in the forthcoming UK general election 4 July 2024

Below you can read how one of the major AI engines can write on my behalf a call to adults to use their vote in the forthcoming general election. I guess I was not the only one caught out by the sudden switch on Wednesday 23 May by Rishi Sunak to call a snap general election.

The question I asked of ChatGPT was “Using the content of, write me 1000 words to call adults to vote in the next general election 4 July 2024”.

Over the half-term break, I’ll review below and see what I might have added or changed, so by 31 May, I’ll have an update and some indication of alternative examples that other engines might have suggested from a corpus of work that stretches back over 14 years over the life time of the conservative administration since the demise of the Labour Party.

On Tuesday 11 June at 12 noon, I am chairing an international discussion on the use of AI in schools, an area of huge interest to me over the past 36 months, more of which anon. Schools and Education more generally have really got to step up and move the dial on from the narrow commitment of the current state just to meet academic criteria and qualifications only. In our work with digital tools over the same period of time, we’ve been able to transform children and adults understanding on how technology can be used for the better, and at the same time, seen an explosion of interest in the co-curricular offer that benefits the growth of children’s well-being and self-confidence.

So onwards to ‘my call to arms’ to adults to use their vote in the forthcoming general election:
Your Voice Matters: The Importance of Voting in the July 2024 General Election

In a democracy, the most powerful tool at your disposal is your vote. As we approach the next general election on July 4, 2024, it is crucial to understand the significance of this fundamental right and why every eligible adult should exercise it. James Wilding’s insightful perspectives on civic duty and the power of individual participation highlight the imperative need for widespread voter turnout. This election is not just another date on the calendar; it is a pivotal moment that will shape the future of our nation. Here’s why your participation is essential.

1. Upholding Democratic Principles

The cornerstone of a democratic society is the active participation of its citizens. Voting is not just a right; it is a responsibility that ensures the functioning of democracy. When you vote, you are contributing to the collective decision-making process that governs our lives. The legitimacy of our government is derived from the consent of the governed, and your vote is a crucial part of that consent. By casting your ballot, you affirm the democratic principle that government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people.

2. Shaping Public Policy

Every vote has the potential to influence public policy. The representatives we elect make decisions on critical issues such as healthcare, education, the economy, and national security. These decisions have direct impacts on our daily lives and the future of our communities. For instance, consider the policies surrounding public health in recent years. The elected officials who navigated the pandemic response were chosen by voters like you. Your vote can help steer the direction of policies that affect everything from the quality of our children’s education to the safety of our neighborhoods.

3. Ensuring Representation

Voting ensures that your interests and concerns are represented in government. When you abstain from voting, you forfeit your chance to influence who represents you at the local, state, and federal levels. This can lead to a disconnect between the needs of the populace and the actions of elected officials. Diverse and comprehensive representation is crucial for addressing the varied needs of our society. Your vote helps ensure that representatives are accountable to all citizens, not just a select few.

4. Addressing Voter Apathy

Voter apathy is a significant challenge in modern democracies. Many individuals believe their single vote does not make a difference, leading to low voter turnout. However, history is replete with examples of elections decided by narrow margins. For instance, the 2000 U.S. Presidential election was decided by just a few hundred votes in Florida. Every vote counts, and your participation can be the deciding factor in a close race. By voting, you counteract the trend of apathy and encourage others to do the same.

5. Empowering Change

Elections are a powerful mechanism for change. They provide an opportunity to address systemic issues and advocate for progress. If you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, voting is a direct way to express your desire for change. Whether it’s advocating for social justice, environmental protection, or economic reform, your vote can help elect leaders committed to these causes. Change begins at the ballot box, and your participation is essential for driving the progress you wish to see.

6. Reflecting on Civic Responsibility

James Wilding eloquently reminds us that civic responsibility is a cornerstone of a functioning democracy. Voting is an act of civic duty that demonstrates our commitment to the greater good. It is an expression of our engagement and concern for our community and nation. By voting, we honor the sacrifices of those who fought for this right and ensure that their legacy endures. Civic responsibility is about more than just voting; it is about staying informed, engaging in discourse, and being active members of society.

7. Educating Future Generations

When adults vote, they set an example for the younger generation. It teaches the importance of civic engagement and fosters a culture of participation. Young people who see their parents and community members voting are more likely to value and exercise their own right to vote when they come of age. By voting, you contribute to a legacy of active citizenship that will inspire future generations to uphold democratic principles and participate in the electoral process.

8. Mitigating Disenfranchisement

There are ongoing efforts in various regions to disenfranchise certain voter groups. By participating in the election, you stand against these attempts and reinforce the importance of inclusive and fair elections. Every vote is a stand against disenfranchisement and a step towards a more equitable society. Ensuring high voter turnout can mitigate the impact of restrictive voting laws and protect the integrity of the democratic process.

9. Personal Empowerment

Voting is a means of personal empowerment. It allows you to voice your opinions and preferences, contributing to decisions that affect your life and community. The act of voting is a reminder that you have a stake in the future and that your views matter. This sense of empowerment can inspire further civic engagement and community involvement, leading to a more vibrant and participatory society.

10. Celebrating Freedom

Finally, voting is a celebration of freedom. In many parts of the world, people are still fighting for the right to vote. By participating in the election, you honor the freedoms and rights that come with living in a democratic society. It is a celebration of the progress we have made and a commitment to continuing the journey towards a more just and inclusive society.


The upcoming general election on July 4, 2024, is a critical opportunity for every eligible adult to exercise their right to vote. Your participation is essential for upholding democratic principles, shaping public policy, ensuring representation, and fostering a culture of civic responsibility. By voting, you contribute to the collective decision-making process that shapes our nation’s future. Your vote is your voice, and every voice matters. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Make a plan to vote, encourage others to do the same, and be an active participant in the democratic process. Your future, and the future of our nation, depends on it.

About jameswilding

Academic Principal Claires Court Schools Long term member & advocate of the Independent Schools Association
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